Prepare for the Journey

"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself.  Only the father knows".

Matthew 24:36

I took a few days to regroup, sometimes mediation is needed.  In my studies I found something quite interesting, there is a great joy in knowing Jesus.  Well not that I didn't already know the "Jesus Joy"; but it aint always Joyful.  Sometimes we think of  the Lord as somebody we can call in a favor from, only to find out "Favor" is not always fair.  For instance, take the people who ask you to pray for them, or for someone, first thing you must understand is that they believe you have favor with God.  They consider you as Gods friend, maybe they see you working for him, serving him, worshiping him and to them they believe God will favor you.

Maybe not, God is Sovereign, he has the authority to do what ever he pleases. Isaiah teaches us in Isaiah 55;8-9 (NLT) “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,  so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."  That along indicates that the decision has already been made, but he wants us to trust him enough to ask.  Only the Father knows and we pray to the Son to intercede on our behave.  Who do we intercede for, who sees our walk with God and trust us enough to even ask us to pray for them. 

We can't ask just anyone to talk to God for us, but those that not only know who God is  but those that God knows.  Those we are frequently in his presence, who frequently talk to him.  Someone whose prayer life is viable, in other words someone who can get a prayer through.  We often say to anyone "pray for me"  just in passing, in casual conversations, not realizing exactly what we are asking. You maybe asking someone to ask God to heal your body, cover the life of a love one, show you favor in your job search not realizing that person seldom ask God anything for themselves.   

Some people say be careful what you ask for, while others say be careful who you ask to be in agreement with you.  Prayer  is sacred; its holding a conversation with the only one who can answer.  Only God can answer prayers.   Just yesterday I received a prayer request, it was urgent, The request was for God to spare life, although unknown to us that person was already with the Lord.  I took that request personally, and I prayed with a sense of urgency.  Although he had already decided, God still wanted to know from me that I trust him enough to ask and trust him enough to accept his will,  I do and I did.  I've always trusted God, it took a while to trust his will. 

Death is certain, unless we get caught up in the rapture.  What we struggle with is when death is "unexpected", but as a Christian how can we say '"unexpected.  We know that death is our transportation to eternal life.   John 14:3 says "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am".  So death is not :unexpected, its unknown when it will come.  It will come.

YOLO (you only live once), people are screaming "buy the dress, go on the trip, take the dare" and forget they don't know when God will send his chariot for them.  We must prepare daily for the journey to forever be with the Lord.  Yes that dress maybe cute....................but that 'Robe in Glory"  is to die for.  

Are you ready, ask me how?

PYMS Voice


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