Deaths Distractions

Deaths Distractions


John 14:1-3

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also”

          I have never felt a pain  like this before, death is normal.  Being absent from the body means present with the Lord.  Well, that’s if we are believers.  Death is a part of life and there are so many scriptures to comfort us.    My faith makes my love ones transition acceptable.  When a love one has suffered long in the case of both my siblings and my dad, death was the ultimate healer.  I accepted it, because I had cherished memories with them.  I had things I could hold on to, their smile, their personalities, even their gifts. When a person dies in a car accident or perhaps they drown, we call those untimely deaths.  Still we have memories of them.  We are quick to say “it was just their time”.

          I woke up one morning to read a text that simply said “our sweetheart is now an angel” my granddaughter had passed away. I could only hold my phone as tears streamed down my face.  I had left the hospital only a few hours before, I was so exhausted I had to go home for rest.  I lay down at 2:30 AM and Makaylah passed away a few hours later.  I could not move, frozen by what my eyes had read.  Maykalah had only been born ten days previous.  She weighed 1lb 1 oz, but God was able and we were hopeful.  My youngest daughter weighed in at 1 lb 9 oz herself so I had already experience God’s miracle at its best.

          I laid my brother to rest just a few days before she was born, so in my eyes God had sent her to us to be a comfort and  fill us with joy. Surely God knew the devastation I had just suffered; he sees all and knows all.  For ten days I had felt at peace, God had answered our prayers.   We knew how critical her situation was, but we also knew the power of the God we served. Our God, who can do anything but fail, ultimately my first response was God had failed us and why? I could not understand his decision. 

          God had failed me and I had failed my child.  I was supposed to be by her side at this, the most difficult experience of her life.  My screams and cries, beating on the walls I turn away from God I didn’t want to seek his face.  I literally wanted to just curse God and die. Grief and guilt had overpowered me.  I paced and cried for hours before God spoke to me. What did God say, “Absence from the body means present with me”. Really? I blocked the voice I needed to call my child and I could not.  What could I possibly say to a mom whose child was taken in an instance?  Needless to say my child whose child was gone.  My first words were “I’m so sorry I fell asleep” and her response was “I was waiting for you to call”.  Then silence, and I said” I’m on my way”.

          When I got there she was on the couch hugged up with her son, holding on to him and not letting go.  I hugged and kissed her and sat at her feet.  Silence for hours, there was nothing we could do that day but cry.  The pain was unbearable, surreal.  Only the immediate family was there and none of spoke.  We had to make arrangement, we needed to go back the hospital and do paperwork and we couldn’t.  The following day we returned to the hospital, no strength but we did.  God went before us even without an invitation; he propped us up and covered us. Never seen her look like that before, I had to stand in the gap.

          The next day along with my youngest daughter we walked in a Mortuary.  My second time in three weeks, my brother had just been laid to rest and now Makaylah Mae.  It took all I had to walk through those doors and even more to walk out.  I did it, it was done.   We had a small family gravesite service and a Balloon Release. We gave her back to her maker and we trusted that her Grandfather and two Uncles would take care of her and God would take of us.

          Death had distracted my faith.  I was angry with God.  But all things happen for a reason.  Our family had experience two deaths that nearly took our breath away.  But God!  I was still standing, showing compassion, being a comforter to my mother and my daughter.  I was laughing and crying at the same time.  His word remain true, “I will never leave you or forsake you”.   I had made it on the other side of through. 

          There are many things that may have you questioning, doubting and re-evaluating you faith.  The Scripture says all you need is a faith the size of a mustard seed and mountains can be removed.  Life has challenges.  God has power.  No matter what situations rise up in your life the Word of God can and will sustain you.  Hold fast to your Faith, Even with my distractions my heart was saying no, my Faith said yes.  We survived and so can you.

Joshua 1:9 New King James Version (NKJV)

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”



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