"Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind".
Philippians 2:2 (NKJV)
Lately, it seems as if everybody wants to be the Chief, and no one wants to be the Indian. I understand all of us are entitled to our own opinion. But that's when it becomes the problem, its our own opinion. We are comfortable with having a mind of our own. No one can tell us what to think, what to do, or how to behave.
Philippians; what an awesome example God left us to grasp as the author Apostle Paul wrote of his time of imprisonment. The intimacy of his writings illuminates our understanding of the fact that what ever circumstances we may find ourselves; if we have built a close relationship with God; our trials become our foundation in which we build likeness to God. Paul speaks to us today through Philippians 4:11 (NKJV) "Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learn in whatever state I am, to be content".
Simple message, if we have the mind of the Savior, we will have " peace of mind". Because in our mindset, our thought patterns; there is chaos, we are confused, we have perverted thoughts, we worry, we manipulate for our convenience. But Paul says "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" Philippians 2:5 (KJV)
To have the mind of Christ, allows us to be the shadow of God, we'll show compassion for our fellowman because we are now his shadow, we'll have the joy of the Lord because we are his shadow, we'll love our neighbor because we are God's shadow and as the shadow of God we can only do as God has done. Remember that trend saying "WWJD"? We wouldn't have to ask.
If we are like-minded, and place God in his rightful position in our lives. If we are compelled to act as God did. Whatever state we find ourselves, no matter who occupies the white house, the senate or the house of representatives. The only thing that matters is who occupies our hearts and minds. Lets continue to build our hopes in the Lord, and continue to stand on his word, and encourage our sisters and brothers to do the same.
With unified thoughts, as shadows of God, whatever arise, we will prevail.
PYMS Voice
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