My Selfie

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person,  The old life is gone, a new life has begun."

2 Corinthians 5:17

Everywhere you look we see people taking selfies, pictures of ourselves. Right side pose, left side pose, smiles. frowns, smears, glares, serious, funny, we try to capture every moment of our lives.  Walking, running, standing still, sneezing, coughing, laughing, crying, we want to know how we look and those various times in our lives.  I'm guilty.   I like to see my reactions, I like to see how I look.  What I need to work on to improve or if I like my hair this way or that way.  We spend so much time and effort on ourselves from the outside.

What does God see?  Do you think God prefers you in blue instead of pink?  How about short or long hair?  Heels or flats, which dress do I look slimmer in?   Every time we look in the mirror can we see a reflection of God.  Let me be honest, I don't. I can't see what God sees. 1 Samuel 16:7 explains to us "But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  

That's scary, what if you went to the mirror right now and could actually see what God sees in us.  What is reflecting from our heart; is it envy, jealousy, hatred, malice, strife?  We seem to cover it up well with our designer clothing.  We look like a million dollars, but our hearts came from the dollar store.  We can't cover our true identity from God.  What's in your heart is what is most important to him.  He can't use the cover over you, he needs the heart within you. 

So the next time we take a selfie, lets look at it closely and ask ourselves "what does God see".  God knows who we are and he knows what's inside of us, but, do we?   We invest so much money on the cover-up when all we really need to do is ask The Lord this "Create in me a clean heart, O God,  Renew a loyal spirit within me".  Psalms 51;10 

When we wear our cover-up to the beach, most times its to hide flaws.  We know what's up under there, something we wish wasn't. Weight, scares, bruises, we cover them up so others can't see; but we know what's under there.  God sees all and he knows all, but the good thing is while we are trying to do make overs; God is trying to transform us.   He wants to change us from the inside so that the outside is unrecognizable to the old us.   I was just looking at a selfie I took yesterday and all I see is me. 

Lord make me over!

PYMS Voice


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