The Next Step......

Jesus said to him, "I am the way the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me".

John 14:6

Usually I can find my way anywhere, especially since navigation tools came around.  I was one who could never read a road map, well lets just say maps to me were as clear as mud.  Now that I have  my GPS that talks to me, man I never get lost. Even when I travel from state to state, there is never a moment of distress from not knowing how to reach my destination. Getting from point A to point B is a snap.

But, what happens to us when we can't find our way to the place God has called us to be, can we ask Siri? What is the address to our destiny? What happens when we are unable to distinguish our calling from our desires? So many times we have planned out our travel arrangements without considering our destination.  The end results, not the place God intended. 

While I believe I'm on the right track, it has taken me years to discover this road.  Somehow I knew where I was going, but chose the scenic route.  You know the route, turning down "Disobedience Road", to get to "I Know What I'm Doing Ave".  Passing down the "Same Mistake Lane".  Stayed on it so long because I didn't realize there was a U turn to get off.  Surly I'm not alone, because sometimes I ran into you, and other times we were stuck bumper to bumper on "Going Nowhere Fast Loop" which kept us passing the same circle of horror we chose to inflect upon ourselves. 

Suddenly the light clicks on, we've been down this road before.  Obviously this is not the road less traveled, it has to be right because so many are heading in the same direction.  That's just it, often times we find ourselves merging into lanes, asking people to let us in and waving them a hand of gratitude for allowing us to merge into traffic that's not going anywhere. NLT version of Matthew 7:14 says "But the gateway to life is very narrow, and the road is difficult, and only a few every find it".

We can't travel the same road, we are different.  We have to take the next step; 1 Peter 2:9 (NLV) says "But you are a chosen group of people. You are the Kings religious leaders. You are a holy nation. You belong to God.  He has done this for you so you can tell others how God has called you out of darkness into his great light."

OK, maybe this is not a good example, but I do like to laugh and if ever there was a need to get off the road this is it. Do you remember John Witherspoon in the movie Friday or maybe it was in Next Friday and he had eaten something that made him have to urgently get out of traffic to male a pit stop.  Well, that's the type of urgency we must have to turn our lives around in order to move in the direction God has intended for us to travel. Not caring how we got over, having people look at us funny, blow their horns, he was desperate and we need to be desperate.

Get off that road and turn around, wait a minute lets see,  just how long have you been traveling , circling, putting the same destination in your GPS and  you still lost, you still haven't arrived?  There is only one way to get there and the Great "I Am" is the only way.

PYMS Voice


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