Foundations For Living
“Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very
own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us
holy in his eyes, without a single fault—we who stand before him covered
with his love.”
Ephesians 1:4 (TLB)
It seems as if every time you look around there is a new building
going up around us. First the land is cleared of all its debris in order to
pour a foundation that can hold up the building which will place on top
of it. The foundation is the most important part of the building process,
it holds things together. It is the support; it has the ability to
distribute the weight of the building so that it will not shift. So I
thought about that word foundation. There are different types of
foundations; for instance a foundation can be an establishment of a
institution or organization.
Women use foundation as the base layer of makeup in which we
place completely over our face as we add other makeup items, blush,
eye shadow, mascara etc. Foundation is always applied first, laid first,
established first; it is the basis on which we build. So what exactly is
the foundation of your life? What keeps you grounded? What is the
glue that keeps you together? I have asked myself the same question
on various occasions. Especially in my struggles; what do I stand on?
I stand on the word of God! I am anchored in his word. Even in
my darkest hours; my knowledge of God’s promises he made through is
word manifest in my spirit. I am comforted through his word; it’s my
foundation for living. A reliable force beneath me which keeps me
lifted; it is my support.
I can’t say much about building or the building process, because I am not a general contractor. I have no idea about building to specific specifications. But what I do know is when I lean not to my own understanding, when I acknowledge the presence of God in my life and study his word; his word becomes my foundation, Romans 8:38-39 (NKJV) “38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
It seems as if every time you look around there is a new building
going up around us. First the land is cleared of all its debris in order to
pour a foundation that can hold up the building which will place on top
of it. The foundation is the most important part of the building process,
it holds things together. It is the support; it has the ability to
distribute the weight of the building so that it will not shift. So I
thought about that word foundation. There are different types of
foundations; for instance a foundation can be an establishment of a
institution or organization.
Women use foundation as the base layer of makeup in which we
place completely over our face as we add other makeup items, blush,
eye shadow, mascara etc. Foundation is always applied first, laid first,
established first; it is the basis on which we build. So what exactly is
the foundation of your life? What keeps you grounded? What is the
glue that keeps you together? I have asked myself the same question
on various occasions. Especially in my struggles; what do I stand on?
I stand on the word of God! I am anchored in his word. Even in
my darkest hours; my knowledge of God’s promises he made through is
word manifest in my spirit. I am comforted through his word; it’s my
foundation for living. A reliable force beneath me which keeps me
lifted; it is my support.
I can’t say much about building or the building process, because I am not a general contractor. I have no idea about building to specific specifications. But what I do know is when I lean not to my own understanding, when I acknowledge the presence of God in my life and study his word; his word becomes my foundation, Romans 8:38-39 (NKJV) “38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
What have you laid as your foundation? Is it able to withstand the elements of life; storms, grief, crisis, heartaches and anything life may throw your way? Just remember the scripture Isaiah 40:8 (NKJV)8 The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” Make sure as you go through life that you find yourself standing on a solid foundation.
If yours have shifted, try mine..........Jesus!
PYMS Voice
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