A Voice!
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV)
Would you agree knowledge is power, so what is the lack of knowledge? How do we obtain this knowledge? For students at school in order to past the test you must apply yourself . It takes practice, it takes dedication, as well as sacrifice. For the athlete is takes practice and endurance. Hardly ever would you see a professional athlete waking up and going straight on the field. Their bodies must be condition to perform the task.
So why would we think those same ethics would not apply to us as Christians. Daily we are placed on a field with very difficult opponents. They daily are prepared to destroy us and all that we represent. While we sit on the sidelines with the mentality of WOW, I don't know what hit me. Ok enough of that comparison, enough of that delay of game. Referees are throwing flags on us; not for being off side but more so because we show no action at all.
Forfeit, because we never show up for battle. There is a play book, its call the "BIBLE" :
I was once baffled by John 1:14, the scripture teaches that the "word became Flesh and made his dwelling among us" . I guess that's what happens when you try to do a book report with out reading the entire book, John, chapter 1 tells us that God was the word, and he sent himself down in the form of his son Jesus to minister to us. John testified of those accounts because he knew who God was.
We were not privilege to have a first hand account the way John did, and that's why we have the Bible to enlighten us, to direct us, to encourage us. We find valuable lessons that teaches us how to live our life as God has intended for us to. Truth is, if we really take the time to study the Bible, we would understand that the shocking events we see on the news are merely the word fulfilling itself.
Its coming to pass my friends, but, don't take my word for it. The Bible also allows us to see ourselves in the different people in the Bible, for instance I find myself identifying with John who testified of Jesus, he was so knowledgeable that those he witness to question who he was. Although I'm not as knowledgeable as John; I to can answer in the words of Isaiah the Prophet, "I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, Make straight the way for the Lord".
Jesus is coming back, no man knows the day or the hour. We need to stop living as if the word is not real. I believe it's real. Why you ask? Well that's easy.
If it were not so, he would have told us..................
PYMS Voice
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