Fat Meat is Greasy!

"For I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night".

Psalms 51:3

My mother would always say "girl you don't believe fat meat is greasy"? Which ultimately meant "keep on doing what you doing, you will learn the hard way".  Somehow as far fetch as that old expression seemed, it really is true.  Life has a way of catching up with you.  None of us are as hidden as we think.  The darkest tucked away closet secrets always come to the light.  It becomes a revelation, the underlying truth will be revealed.

The protection, the covering is always somehow removed.   The bible declares in John 3 that the Father loved us so much he called us his children. It goes on to say the people who belong to the world don't recognize us.  They cant see who we are and whose we are, simply because they don't know who he is.  Unless you know who my daddy is,  you cant know his child.  Let me just make it plain, my daddy loved to cook, always had a smile, so I love to cook, I try my best to always smile.  I got those attributes from my daddy. But you wouldn't know that unless you knew him.

Same page now,  so unless you knew Johnny Mitchell, you wouldn't  recognize the same qualities or the likeness, the resemblance of my father and I.  So to the children of the most high God,  fear not, if you stay true to  your Heavenly Father, in his timing you will be revealed.  You will look like him.  Consider having the same boldness as Peter and John as they were teaching the people about Jesus, they were ordinary men, but their knowledge of the resurrected Christ added five thousand to the kingdom.  Their message was so convincing that the rulers and the elders knew Peter and John had been with Christ.

These are those times, when the children of God must show the world by example, by boldness of tongue, by their demeanor, by their faith who their Father is.  God is preparing us to reign, cut the fat, lose the doubt.  God does his best work in unfavorable circumstances.  Remember Lazarus,  Lazarus was dead, like we say "he been dead".  But Jesus!  Wait one more, remember the widow woman whose son had died and they were on their way to the cemetery.  But Jesus, just passing through (Luke 7:11-15) their town took the time to give the son back to his mother; alive.  They hadn't sent for Jesus, he just showed up with compassion.  

We must stop working in the dark, it will catch up to us.  We are children of the light.  God is shining his spotlight on us to see if he can see any likeness of him  Yes, he is looking at those people who have been working in the dark and now are revealing to us who they really are.  But, also in the dark he is looking for his children, he is looking for they who are called by his name.  Don't be afraid of the dark, my daddy would say "if you cant stand the heat, get out the kitchen".  I stayed in the kitchen and I learn my greatest lessons in life at the kitchen table with my daddy. 

Don't worry about the heat, diamonds are made under heat and pressure.  Pearls come from the depths of the sea.  The water maybe troubled, but I rest in his word, God will provide, God will Deliver and God will bring us out sparkling like diamonds.  Take a lesson from Mary and Martha, send for the Savior.  If I was an attorney right now, I'd rest my case.  Anymore Witnesses?  Anybody else know if you send for him...........If  I was a preacher I'd be in my hoop right now.  Call him, summons him,  and while you're yet calling, he'll be on the way.  Get out of self, and be who you are, God's child.

PYMS Voice


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