Eye Opener

"He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness.  And Light dwells with him."

Daniel 2:22

Yet again I have outlined my weeks blogs, scriptures and subjects.  Yet again, God decided different.  True story, today on my way into work I had to run an errand which took me away from my usually route.  On the side of the road I saw a billboard that read, "You read, You die" that text message is not worth your life.  Great message, and yes I'm guilty of reading text messages as I drive, it literally made me think what if I had crashed  and died only to read a message that said "WYD" (what you doing).  I could have never respond "dying". 

Well it happen, a billboard has altered my weeks blog agenda, and reminded me of the reason I titled my blog "If It Were Not So".  That billboard spoke volumes to me, it screamed what about me, what about me.  Me "The Bible"; what happens if I'm left unread?  Certainly you will  surly die.  The key to eternal life is literally found within "The Word Of God".  Getting to Know God is spending time with him, and  spending time with him means opening up his word, How amazing is that, I would have never imagined that simple errand would turn into a teaching moment.

But God has a way of opening our eyes and given us opportunities to see things we never would have if we stayed on our familiar path and kept our set schedules.  1 Corinthian 2:9  (NKJV) explains "But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have it entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for those who love him".   Because it is written, means  something has to be read.

When my alarm clock rang this morning, I laid back down, because I remembered I had a training to attend and I didn't have to be at work as early. I also remembered that I had a errand to run and that if I left early enough I could get it out the way and not worry about it this evening.  One of my dearest friends always would remind me, he would say "if you seeking God get up early".  Psalms 63 says "Oh God you are my God; Early will I seek you". 

The truth is this, when I open the word of God, the word of God opens up to me.  It strengthens me, it comforts me, it gives me a peace that even when I'm in the mist of a storm his words shields me and allows me to function when others would lose their minds.  That billboard encouraged me to study even more, because the more I read and study Gods word the closer I get to him.  Trust me that text message can wait, but reading Gods Word and getting closer to him, lets just say don't wait to late.

Text messages while driving: "You read, You Die" its not worth your life!
The Bible:  "You Read, You Live" eternal life,  its worth it!

PYMS Voice


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