When You Only Talk To God!
"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he will direct thy paths."
Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)
Just read something that said, "Stop being mad when people beat you to the finish line, when you constantly giving out your game plan". Somethings in your life you only need to consult with God. There are a few reasons for that; some things God gives to you is only for you and God to know, somethings God gives you no one else can understand and some things if you just give it to God he will work it out for you..
When we make our relationship personal with God, he will reveal things that are best for us. For instance, when you make the decision to fast, not with a group, or your church, but when you decide that you need some time with just you and God. Remember the story told in Mark 9 of a young boy who had since birth had suffered with a mute spirit, who had seizures and the Father of that young boy had consulted with Gods disciples to cast the spirits out, yes the disciples tried but to no avail. But when the father asked of the Father if he could help quickly his response was "If I can"? Today his response with be more like "what, you must not know bout me". Jesus spoke but a word and commanded the Demonic spirits to come out of his body and the scripture goes on to say the spirits screamed, and his body went into convulsions as they left his body. For a moment they believed the young boy was dead but Jesus reached out his hand and lifted him up. The disciples were somewhat confused, and ask Jesus why couldn't they cast the spirits out, and Jesus said to them, "Somethings only come through "Prayer and Fasting"
So what's dead? Dead-end job, dead-end marriage, dead-end future, what's dead? Don't tell me, let me tell you. If you are alive, then what's dead is merely heavy useless weight. Bury it, how, ask the savior to help you. He will either restore it, ignite it, or give it its final rites. That way you can be renewed, rejuvenated, and move on.
Just like we all may have a few pounds to shed, and once we do we feel so much better. The same will happen when you give what's dead to God. I 'm not talking about what I heard, I'm talking about what I know. Just days with God, away from people, places and plates will open your eyes.
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