Stay In The Race

"Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous. Be strong".

1 Corinthians 16:13

Google is one of my favorite friends, just this morning I wanted to know what word in the dictionary had the most definitions. The word  set had been the leader until the word run took first place in 2011. It is said that the word run has 645 distinct definitions.  Although both are verbs (action words) when you look at the two closely you can see that set is more of a transitive verb meaning it has to be followed by a noun or a description. If I scream the word “set it really wouldn’t be any cause for concern. But if I scream run, well you know what would happen. 

I really like both words and I use them both often in my journey.  For instance I realize I am set apart, I'm different.  Before I study or prepare to write I must set the atmosphere.  You get the picture but run is immediate for me, its a movement, its getting from one place to the next hurriedly.  Running in place gets you know where.  For example I see this  Christian journey as a race and the finish line is heaven. 

Some of us been in the race along time, while  others are  just joining.  The good thing about this race is that there is not just one Crown of Glory for a winner, but available to all who stay faithful to the end .  There is no 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.  Neither is the race  measured by distance or time,  actually I see people crossing the finish line on a daily basis.  Winners are not determined by their swiftness, but by endurance.   The reward is available to all who cross heavens finish line.  Who remembers the song "I Shall Wear A Crown"?   I see so many people giving up, no I'm not pointing fingers because I too  have wrestled with the thought.  But, scripture always shows up, this one in particular; it says "You were running the race well.  Who has held you back from following the truth? It certainly wasn't God for he is the one who called you to freedom". Galatians 5:7 (NLT)

How can we allow anyone to hinder us from following Christ, What or who separates you from his love.  Truth is we separate ourselves with the choices we make.  We have a unconditional loving  God who loves us despite all our conditions.   God choose to love us he proved that by allowing his son to die in our place.   But we allow any shift of the wind to take us off course.  1 Corinthians 10:13 says "No condition has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it".  Even when we lag back when it seems everyone is ahead of us, even if we stop running,  he loves us.

Remember this, no matter where you start, no matter your condition, even if you fall; keep running.  No one has the same race.  We are all issued different routes but the same destination.  Some may grow tired and some will grow weary, keep running. .  There may be days when you get tired in the race but don't get tired of the race.   For the day will come when death may seem victorious, but even death will be swallowed in Victory.  Run the race with patience, the race that is set before you, your race.

My two favorite words  again; "run" and "set".   God has set us apart, he has prepared us through his word to run this race guaranteeing us that we will  be victorious. There is Victory on the other side of through; through storms, through disappointments, even through what seems like defeat, keep running my friends.

  Stay in the race!

PYMS Voice



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