You Have The Power!
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witness, telling people about me everywhere- in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Acts 1:8 (NLT)
Ever been to Las Vegas, yes I have also. I don't think I've experience a time when I've had to use the Vegas slogan; "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". anything goes in Vegas and its not to be shared. Lately I think that is what is happening in the church, anything goes. The respect of the word, respect to the man or woman of God, is nonexistence. So if we don't respect who God sends, it would be just as hard to believe that you would respect Gods house. "Therefore whoever resists the authorities resist what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement". Romans 13:2
Times have changed and so has the way we conduct ourselves. But there is one thing I find very hard to accept, the lack of evangelism. Perhaps we feel what happens in the church, should stay in the church. The scripture declares that Gods word is to be shared not just within the walls but throughout the world, The gospel is not only to be preached by the preacher but once you receive it you too are to share it.
We seem to believe we don't have the power, but God places the power in each of us. How do we obtain this power, well that's simple the more you come into the presence of God in prayer the more power you will receive. The more you know about him the more you can share about him. Its called having an intimate relationship with him.
Stop having that Vegas mentality, stop keeping it to yourself and by all means stop depending on someone else to do all the sharing. You are capable, make yourself available. We miss so many opportunities to share the word, with our families, friends, co-workers, strangers. Johnson Oatman Jr pen these words in 1903, "How to reach the masses, men of every birth, for an answer Jesus gave the key; And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me" That song came right out of scripture John 12:32
We are quick to spread gossip, rumors and lies which want be remembered pass its initial conception. But what we know about God is that every day is better, every day is worth it. Knowing him comes from studying his word and when you know him share him. What a difference it would be if we lifted the name of Jesus to all we come in contact with. The conversation would change, because you wouldn't be talking about what you heard but what you know.
"Smile Jesus loves you", see how simple that was. Its not gossip, it wasn't a rumor and it wasn't a lie. Try it with a stranger, its theirs to accept or reject, maybe a breakthrough to a conversation that could possibly lead someone to Christ.
You have the power, use it! Lift him up!
PYMS Voice!
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